Version: May 31, 2020
Other Social Quality Related Journals and Reports
This is a list of social quality related articles and reports. The list is a work in progress; expect more entries to be added over time. Also, not all entries have hyperlinks to their sources yet. Despite this, we think the list provides a fascinating overview of publications that involve the social quality approach.
With regard to social quality indicators
ENIQ Reports (European Network Indicators Social Quality): 2001-2005
Beck, W.A., M. Keizer, L.J.G. van der Maesen and D. Phillips. 2001. ENIQ: General Paper on behalf of the first Plenary Meeting of the Network Indicators Social Quality’. Amsterdam: European Foundation on Social Quality, General Paper of the ENIQ Project.
Van der Maesen, L.J.G. and M. Keizer. 2002. ENIQ: Working Paper ‘From Theory to Practice’. Second meeting of the Network. Amsterdam: European Foundation on Social Quality, Working Paper of the ENIQ Project.
Keizer, M., J. Hamilton, A.C. Walker and L..G. van der Maesen. 2004. ENIQ: Working Paper: Guidelines for national explorations. Amsterdam: European Foundation on Social Quality, Social Quality of the ENIQ Project.
Keizer, M., L.J.G. van der Maesen and R. Duiveman. 2004. ENIQ: Indicator for Socio-Economic Security. Amsterdam: European Foundation on Social Quality, Socio-economic Security of the ENIQ Project.
Berman, Y., and D. Phillips. 2004. ENIQ: Indicators for Social Cohesion. Amsterdam: European Foundation on Social Quality, Indicators for Social Cohesion of the ENIQ Project.
Walker, A.C. abnd A. Wigfield. 2004. ENIQ: Indicators for Social Inclusion. Amsterdam: European foundation on Social Quality, The Social Inclusion of the ENIQ Project.
Herrmann, P. 2004. ENIQ: Indicators for Social Empowerment. Amsterdam: European Foundation on Social Quality.Empowerment of the ENIQ Project.
Project group ENIQ. 2004. ENIQ: A Frame of Reference for the Final Report of ENIQ, the National Reports and both European Oriented Reports (by EAPN and ISCW). Outcomes of the fourth ENIQ meeting in Amsterdam. Amsterdam: European Foundation on Social quality, A Frame of Reference
De Maesschalck, V. and B. Cantillon. 2005. ENIQ: Social Quality Indicators: the Belgian National Report. Antwerp: University of Antwerp: Centre for Social Policy Herman Deleeck, Belgian Report
De Neubourg, R..D. and P. Steffens. 2005. ENIQ: Social Quality indicators: the Dutch National Report. Maastricht: University of Maastricht, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Dutch Report
Vuori, M. and M. Gissler. 2005. ENIQ: Social Quality Indicators: The Finnish National Report. Helsinki: Stakes, FinnishReport.
Salladarré, F. and D. Bouget. 2005. ENIQ: Social Quality Indicators: The French National Report. Nantes: University of Nantes, French Report.
Ostner, I., S. Kühnel, M. Ebert and U. Brand. 2005. ENIQ: Social Quality Indicators : The German National Report. Göttingen: Georg-august-University Göttingen, German Report
Petmesidou, M. and P. Polyzoidis. 2005. ENIQ : Social Quality Indicators : The Greek National Report. Thrace: Democritus University, Greek Report.
Altorjai S., and E. Bukodi. 2005. ENIQ: Social Quality Indicators: The Hungarian National Report. Budapest: Hungarian Central Statistical office, Hungarian Report
O’Cinneide, S., J. Cushen and F. O’Gabhan. 2005. ENIQ: Social quality Indicators: The Irish National Report, IrishReport
Saraceno, C., E. Cois and S. Terracina. 2005. ENIQ: Social Quality Indicators: The Italian National Report. Torino: University of Torino, Italian Report
Baptista, I, P. Perista and H. Perista. 2005. ENIQ: Social Quality Indicators: The Portuguese National Report. Lisbon: CESIS, Portuguese Report
Boskic, R, M. Filipovic and S. Mandic. 2005. ENIQ: Social Quality Indicators: The Slovene National Report, SloveneReport
Monreal, J. S. Titos, S. Franco, P. Guardiola, M. Hernández, A. Millán and A. Ripoll. 2005. ENIQ: Social Quality Indicators: The Spanish National Report. Murcia: University of Murcia, Spanish Report.
Therborn, G . and S. Therborn. 2005. ENIQ: Social Quality Indicators: The Swedish National Report.Gothenburg: SCASS, Swedish Report.
Hacking, S. 2005. ENIQ: Social Quality Indicators: The British National Report. Sheffield: University of Sheffield, UKReport
Farrell, F. and B. Demeyer. 2005. ENIQ: Social Quality Indicators: The European Anti Poverty Network Report.Brussels: Catholic University of Leuven, EAPN Report.
Siltaniemi, A. and M-L Kauppinen. 2005. ENIQ: Social quality Indicators: The International Council on Social Welfare.Helsinki: ICSW, ICSW Report.
Van der Maesen, L..G., A.C. Walker, M. Keizer, D. Gordon, Y. Berman and P. Herrmann. 2005. ENIQ: Social Quality: The final Report. Amsterdam: The European Foundation on Social Quality, Final Report of the ENIQ Project.
Reports and articles after the ENIQ Project
Abbott, P. and C. D. Wallace. 2012. “Social Quality: A Way to Measure the Quality of Society.” Social Indicators Research 108: 153-167. 10.1007/s11205-011-9871-0
Abbott, P. and C.D. Wallace. 2014. “Rising Economic Prosperity and Social Quality the Case of New Member States of the European Union.” Social Indicators Research, 115 (1): 419-39.
Abbott, P. K., Lin, C.D. Wallace and C, Haerpfer. 2016. “The Quality of Society and Life Satisfaction in China.” Social Indicators Research, 127: 653-70 Doi:10.1007/s11205-015-0989-3
Berman, Y, and D. Phillips. 2000. ´Indicators of Social Quality and Social Exclusion at National and Community Level.” Social Indicators Research, 50 (3): 329-50
Berman, Y. 2008. “An empirical Analysis of the Interrelationship between Components of the Social Quality Theoretical Construct.” Social Indicators Research, 86 (3): 525-38.
Bureekul, T. 2007. Social Quality Indicators for Thailand. Bangkok: The King’s Prajadhipok’s Institute for Policy Studies.
Bureekul, T. and S. Thnanithichot. 20012. Trust and Social cohesion, the Key to Reconcile Thailand’s Future: a Social Quality Perspective. Bangkok: The King’s Prajadhipok’s Institute
For Policy Studies,
Bureekul, T., S. Thananithichot and R. Sangmahamad. 2014. Social Policy for Improvement of Standard of Living in Thailand.: Citizen Survey on social quality in Thailand. A Paper for XVlll ISA World Congress of Sociology. Bangkok: King’s Prajadhipok’s Institute for Policy Studies.
Cheung, C-K, L-R Wang and R .K. Chan. 2013. “Differential Impacts of Stressors on Sense of Belonging.” Social Indicators Research, 113: 277-97.
Herrmann, P. 2014. Report: Reflection on Founding a Selection Process of Social Quality Indicators for a Module of the European Social Survey. ……..
Lin, K. and K.K. Gabe. 2007. Social Quality Indicators for China. Nanjing: Nanjing University.
Lin, K., Xu, Y., Huang, T. and J. Zhang. 2012. “Social Exclusion and Its Causes in East Asian Societies: Evidences from Social Quality Survey Questionnaires Survey Data.” Social Indicators Research (DOI 10.1007/s112065-012-0074-0)
Lin, K. 2013. ”A Methodological Exploration of Social Quality Research: A Comparative Evaluation of the Quality of Life and Social Quality Approaches.” International Sociology, 28 (3): 316-334.
Lin, K., X. Yun, H. Tianhai and Z J. Zang. 2013. “Social Exclusion and its consequences for East Asian Societies: Evidence from the SQSQ survey data.” Social Indicators Research, 112 : 641-60.
Lin, K. 2014. “Social Quality and Happiness: An Analysis of the Survey Data from Three Chinese Cities.” Applied Research in Quality of Life, 9 (3): 1-18. doi:10.1007/s11482-014-9352-0.
Lin, K. and H. Li. 2017. “Mapping Social Quality Clusters and its Implications.” Social Indicators Research, 134 (2): 403-19, DOI: 10.1007/s11205-016-1432-0
Mitchell, D. and J. Temple, Australian Measure of Social Quality. Australia: Australian National University .
Ngan, R. 2007. Social Quality Indicators for Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University.
Oishi, A.S.2007. Indicators of Social Quality for Japan. Chiba: Chiba University.
Phillips, D. and Y. Berman. 2000. Indicators of Community Social Quality. Paper presented at the International Society for Quality of Life Studies. Sheffield: Sheffield University.
Phillips, d. and Y. Berman. 2001. “Social Quality and Community citizenship.” European Journal of Social Work, 4 (1): 17-28.
Phillips, D. and Berman, Y. 2003. “Social Quality and Ethnos Communities: Concepts and Indicators.” Community Development Journal, 38: 344-57.
Phillips, D. 2008. Social Quality: Indicators from Europe and their Implications for Asia. A paper presented at National Twin University ‘workshop on Social Quality’ in April 2008. Sheffield: Sheffield University.
Suh, H., J. Yee and D. Chang. 2013. “Type of Trust and Political Participation in Five Countries: Results of Social Quality Survey.” Development and Society , 42 (1): 1-28.
Svetlik, I. 1998. “Some conceptual and Operational Considerations on the Social Quality of Europe.”, in: MESPA Reader: Social Quality Indicators in the Case of marginal Groups -the Disabled. Ljubljana: MESPA
Yee, J. and D. Chang. 2007. Transparency Key to Improve Social cohesion in the Koran context: Application of Social Quality Indicators. Seoul: Seoul National University.
Yee, J. and D. Chang. 2009. “Transparency, a Key Factor to Improve Social Cohesion: A Review of the Korean Experience in the Context of Social Quality Research.” Development and Society, 38 (2) : 259-77.
Yee, J and D. Chang. 2009. Social Quality as a Measure for Social Progress : A Paper for the Third OECD World Forum. Seoul: Seoul National University.
Yee, J. and D. Chang. 2011. “Social Quality as a measure for Social Progress.” Development and Society , 40 (2): 153-73. Published by the Institute for Social Development and Policy Research Korea.
Wallace, C. 2014. Report: ESF Exploratory Workshop on Social Quality in Europe and Social Quality Indicators, held in Vienna, February 2014 with support by the European Science Foundation. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University.
Wang, Y-T, Yang, P-S. and L-R Wang. 2007. The Second Asian Social Quality Conference: Measuring Social Quality in Taiwan. Taipei: National Taiwan University.
Wang, L .R. 2009. “Asian Social Quality Indicators: What is Unique? Development and Society Vol. 38 (2): 297-37. deveandsoci.38.2.297.pdf?s
Yuhan, H. and M-K Golpelwar. 2013. “Testing subjective Well-Being from the Perspective of Social Quality: Quantile Regression Evidence from Shanghai, China.” Social Indicators Research, 113 (1): 257-76. DOI: 10.1007/s11205-012-0091-z
With regard to social quality and public health
Nijhuis, H.G.J. and L..G. van der Maesen. 1994. “The Philosophical Foundation of Public Health: An Invitation to Debate.” International Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 48: 1-3.
Nijhuis, H.G.J. and L.J.G. van der Maesen. 1999. Modern Public Health in The Hague. The Hague: Department of Public Health of The Hague.
Nijhuis, H.G.J. and L.J.G. van der Maesen. 2000. “Continuing the Debate on the Philosophy of Modern Public Health: Social Quality as a Point of Reference.” Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 54 (2): 134–42.
Hesselink, G., J. Johnson, P. Batalden, M. Carlson, W. Geense, S. Groenewoud, S. Jones,. B. Roy, C. Sansone, J.R.L.M. Wolf , B. Bart and H. Wollersheim. 2017. “Reframing Healthcare Services through the Lens of Co-Production (RheLaunCh): a study protocol for a mixed methods evaluation of mechanisms by which healthcare and social services impact health and well-being of patients with COPD and CHF in the USA and The Netherlands.” BM Journals, Vol. 7 (9),
Holman, D., and A. Walker. 2018. “Social Quality and Health: Examining Individual and Neighborhood Contextual Effects Using a Multilevel Modelling Approach.” Social Indicators Research, 138 (1): 245–270.
Meyer, S. B., T. C. N. Luong, P. R. Ward, and G. Tsourtos. 2010. “Operationalising the Theory of Social Quality: Analysis of the Reliability of an Instrument to Measure Social Quality.” Development and Society, 39 (2) : 329–58.
Meyer, S.B., C.N. Tini, C.N.T. Mamerow and P.R. Ward. 2013. Inequalities in access to health care: analysis of national survey data across six Asia-Pacific countries.” BMC Health Services Research, 24062013.
Ward, P. R., F. Verity, S. B. Meyer, T. K. Gill, and T.C.N. Luong. 2011. “Complex Problems Require Complex Solutions: The Utility of Social Quality Theory for Addressing Social Determinants of Health.” BMC Public Health, 11 (1): 630.
Ward, P. R., L. Mamerow, and S. B. Meyer. 2014. “Interpersonal Trust across Six Asia-Pacific Countries: Testing and Extending the ‘High Trust Society’ and ‘Low Trust Society.’” PLoS ONE, 9 (4).
A Dialogue Between Dr. Sun Yanhong (CASS) and Prof. Gian Maria Fara (Eurispes) on Covid-19 and Globalization. Guangming Online, June 2020.
With regard to social quality and employment
ENEQ Reports (European Network Employment and Social Quality)
Gordon, D., J. Hamilton, T. Korver. L..G. van der Maesen. M. Threlfall, R. Vlek, G. Votruba. 2002. ENEQ: Social quality and the Policy domain of Employment: Joint Report. Amsterdam, EFSQ. the project’s Final Report
Pacolet, J. and A. Marchal. 2002. ENEQ: Social Quality and the Policy Domain of Employment: Belgian National Report. Leuven: Research Institute for Work and Society, University at KU of Leuven. Joint Report Annex 2 Belgium
Hvid, H.S. and M. Hussain. 2002. ENEQ: Social Quality and the Policy Domain of Employment: Danish National Report. Roskilde: Roskilde University. Joint Report Annex 2 Denmark
Kosonen, P. and J. Vänskä. 2002. ENEQ: Social quality and the Policy Domain of Employment: Finnish National Report. Helsinki: University of Helsinki. Joint Report Annex 2 Finland
Ebert, M., I Ostsner. 2002. ENEQ: Social Quality and the Policy Domain of Employment: German National Report.Göttingen: Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Institute of Social Policy. Joint Report Annex 2 Germany
Bukodi, E and P. Róbert. 2002. ENEQ: Social quality and the Policy Domain of Employment: Hungarian National Report. Budapest: Hungarian Central Statistical office the Social Research Centre TARKI. Joint Report Annex 2 Hungary
Korver, T. 2002. ENEQ: Social Quality and the Domain of employment: Dutch National Report . Tilburg: University of Tilburg. Joint Report Annex 2 The Netherlands
Perista, H.M. and P. Perista. 2002. ENEQ: Social Quality and the Policy Domain of Employment: Portuguese National Report. Lisbon: CESIS in collaboration with ENEQ Joint Report Annex 2 Portugal
Laparra Navarro, M., R. Gonzalez, A. Macias, B. Perez, and J. Silva. 2002. ENEQ: Social Quality and the Policy Domain of employment: Spanish National Report. Navarra: University of Navarra. Joint Report Annex 2 Spain (part 1) Joint Report Annex 2 Spain (part 2)
Threlfall, M . and M. Fitchett. 2002. ENEQ: Social Quality and the Policy Domain of Employment:National Report: United Kingdom. Loughborough: Loughborough University.Joint Report Annex 2 United Kingdom
Reports and articles after ENEQ
Abbott, P. and C. Wallace, 2007. From Quality of Life to Social Quality: Relevance for work and care in Europe. Calitatea vietii, no. 1-2: 109-123.
Herrmann, P. , V.Bobkov and J. Csoba (eds). 2014. Labour Market and Precarity of Employment. Theoretical Reflections and Precarity of Employment (from also a social quality perspective). Wien: Wiener Springer Verlag. /277570507_Labour_Market_and_Precarity_of_Employment_theoretical_Reflections_
Tomlinson, M., A. Walker and L. Foster. 2016. “Social Quality and Work: What Impact Does Low Pay have on Social Quality? Journal of Social Policy ,45 (2): 345-71.DOI: 10.1017/
With regard to social quality and the field of rural/urban circumstances
Kaasjager, D.C., L.J.G. van der Maesen and H,G,J, Nijhuis. 1989. The New Public Health in an Urban Context: Paradoxes and Solutions: WHO healthy Cities Papers No. 4. The Hague/Copenhagen: Dutch Ministry of Welfare, Health and Cultural Affairs/WHO Healthy cities Papers.
Manzini, E. 1994, “Design, environment and Social Quality : From ‘Existenzminimum’ to ‘Quality Maximum’”. Design Issues, vol. 10 (1) : 37-43. DOI: 10.2307/1511653
Beck, W.A. 2001 Report: Towards European Cities of Social Quality. Amsterdam: EFSQ.
Nijhuis, H.G.J. Nijhuis, L.J.G. van der Maesen and J. F. Westbroek. 2009. A Methodological Framework to Identify Responsibilities and Research Questions for Sustainable Neighbourhood and Urban Development and International Comparative Research and Cooperation. The Hague: Municipality of The Hague.
Nijhuis, H.G.J., L..G. van der Maesen and J.F. Westbroek. 2010. A Start fort he Elaboration of the Urban Methodological Framework: Referring to the Six Worlds of the Urban Space. A Paper for the Workshop on the Urban Development of Laak North of the city of the Hague. The Hague: Municipality of The Hague.
Nijhuis Reports 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016
With regard to social quality and general topics
Abbott, P. 2007. Social quality, quality of life and happiness in London. Seoul: Seoul Global Metropolitan Forum, Assessing Happiness and Competitiveness in the Major World Metropolises.
Abbott, P. 2007. ‘Cultural trauma and social quality in post-communist Moldova and Belarus.” East European Politics and Societies. 21:219-58. doi/abs/ 10.1177/0888325407299774
Abbott, P. and C.D. Wallace. 2010 “Explaining economics and social transformations in Post-Soviet Russia, Ukraine and Belarus: The Social Quality Approach.” European Societies, Vol. 12 (5) : 653-74.
Abbott, P. R. Sapsford and C. D. Wallace. 2011. “Surviving the Transformation: Social Quality in Central Asia and the Caucuses.” Journal of Happiness Studies, 12: 199-223.
Baars, J., W.A. Beck, P. Herrmann, L.J.G. van der Maesen and A.C. Waker. 2003. Social Quality: A Sustainable Project for Europe: Briefing Paper for the round Table of the European Commission. Amsterdam: EFSQ.
Berman, Y., and D. Phillips. 2009. Social Quality in Post-Industrial Societies: The Growth of Migrant Remittances in International Social Welfare”, in: Powell, J.L. and J. Hendricks (eds). The Welfare State in Post-Industrial Society: A Global Perspective. New York: Springer, pp. 39-39. publication/226266528_ Social_Quality_in_ Post-industrial_Societies
Chan, R.H.K. 2007. “Social Quality in Hong Kong: Whose Agendas? Which priorities? “ National Taiwan University Social Work Review, 15: 39-87. publications/social-quality-in-hong-kong(b5006964-01ce-4483-ab55-da4d44ca4fb7).html
Chack-kie Wong. 2009. "Comparing Social Quality and Social Harmony from a Governance Perspective" Journal of Asian Sociology, Vol 38-2. Seoul, 2009
Corbett, S. 2013. The Social Quality of Participatory Democracy.” Available on line:
Gasper, D., L.J.G. van der Maesen, T.D. Truong and A. Walker. 2008. Human Security and Social Quality: Contrasts and Complementarities. Working Paper no. 462, The Hague: International Institute of Social studies/Erasmus University.
Herrmann, P. (eds). 2016. The End of Social Services: Economisation and Managerialism and the Social Quality Approach.. Bremen: Europaischer Hochschulverlag GmbH&Co. KG
Hiroi, Y. 2007. Possibilities of Sustainable Welfare Societies in Asia ; Extending Social Quality into an Asian context. The Second Asian Conference on Social Quality and Sustainable Welfare Societies. Taipei: National Taiwan University.
Lee, M-A, 2015. “The Effects of Social Quality on Suicide Ideation of Korean Elderly.” Journal of Digital Convergence, Vol. 13 (3): 271-81.DOI: 10.14400/JDC.2015.13.3.271
Lee, M-A. 2015. “Risk Factors for Suicide Attempts of Korean Elderly: Relative Effects of Individual Traits and Social Quality.” International Journal of Bio-\Science and Bio-Technology. 7 (1): 51-60. DOI: 10.14257/ijbsbt.2015.7.1.06
Lin, K. 2007. Social Quality in Mainland China: A Reflection on social change and Development in the Process of Economic Reconstruction. The Second Asian conference on social Quality and sustainable Welfare Societies. Taipei: National Taiwan University.
Lin, K, L.J.G. van der Maesen and P. Ward. 2009, Social Quality theory in Perspective.” Development and Society 38 (2): 201-208.
Ogawa, T. L.J.G. van der Maesen. 2006. Outlines of the first Asian Conference on Social Quality: On Sustainable Welfare Societies. Chiba: Chiba University.
Ogawa, T. 2007. A new perspective on Ageing: Social Quality and its Potential role for Public Policy Making in Asia and the Pacific. Chiba: Chiba University.
Ogawa, T. 2007. Paper on the Asian Value. Chiba: Chiba University.
Ogawa, T. 2009. Human rights? Values, Norms and Developing States’ Contention against Humanitarian Intervention: Beyond an Institutional Accommodation. Chiba: Chiba University.
Phillips, D. and Berman, Y. 2001. “Social Quality and Community Citizenship.” European Journal of Social Work, 4: 17-28.
Phillips, D. 2001. Social Capital, Social cohesion and Social quality. Paper Presented at the European Sociological Association Conference, Social Policy Network. Sheffield: Sheffield University.
Phillips, D. 2008. A comparative Study of Quality of Life and Development Approaches, Including Social Quality and Human Development. Paper presented at Conference of the Human Development and Capability Association in New Delhi, September 2008. Sheffield: Sheffield University.
Phillips, D. and Y. Berman. 2008. “Social cohesion and the sustainable Welfare Society.” National Taiwan University Social Work Review, 16: 1-45.
Phillips, D. 2009. Migration, Identity and Social Quality. Sheffield: Sheffield University.
Shestakova, E. 2019. “[translated from Russian] The concept of Social Quality as a New Content of Social Policy.”Pocccur.u.coepemehhbtu.mup, 1 (66): 110-25.
Walker, A.C. and L.J.G. van der Maesen. 2004. “Social Quality and Quality of Life”, in: Glatzer, W., S. Von Below, and M. Stoffregen (eds). Challenges for Quality of Life in the Contemporary World. The Hague, London, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 13-31.
Walker, A.C. 2005. ‘Which Way for the European social Model: Minimum Standards on Social Quality?’ In: Goul Andersen, J., A. M.Guillemard, P. Jensen and B. Pfau-Effinger (eds). The Changing of Welfare. Bristol: Policy Press, 33-53.
Walker, A.C. 2009. “The Social Quality Approach: Bridging Asia and Europe.” Development and Society 38 (2) : 209-37.
Walker, A.C. and Wong, C.K. 2009. ”The Relationship Between Social Policy and Economic Policy: Constructing the Public Burden of Welfare in China and the West.” Development and Society 38 (1): 1027.
Walker, A.C. 2009. Social Development and Social Quality. Lecture for the fourth Asian conference on social Quality held in Bangkok. Sheffield: Sheffield University.
Wang, L-R., T. Ogawa and L.J.G. van der Maesen. (2006). A Paper Preparing the Second Asian Conference on Social Quality in Taipei, to be Organized by the National Taiwan University. Taipei: National Taiwan University.
Ward, P.R. and S.B. Meyer. 2009. “Trust, Social Quality and Wellbeing: a Sociological exegesis.” Development and Society, 38 (2), 339-63, pdf/deveandsoci.38.2.339.pdf?seq=1
Yuan, H. and M-K. Golpelwaar. 2012. “is Social Quality Related to subjective Well-Being in shanghai? An Analysis of Economic and Social Structural Factors.” Development and Society, 44 (1): 31-55.