The EU-China Environmental Governance Programme (called the EGP-project) started in 2012, called ‘’Public Participation of Environmental Governance in the Jiaxing Model and its applicability in Zhejiang Province”. It aimed at evaluating the results of the so-called Jiaxing model as well as to formulate policy advice concerning the implementation of this model in eight other cities/metropoles of the Zhejiang Province. The Jiaxing model applies mechanisms to promote public participation with regard to environmental issues and to encourage citizens to participate in the supervision of strategies preventing pollution in and around the city of Jiaxing, by organising jury systems, apology letters, naming lists (right to name polluting enterprises) on an individual basis.
According the authorities of Zhejiang Province this should enhance environmental protection. In terms of a recent EGP-document: “democratic consultation is included in the governance mechanism. In the traditional environmental management model, management power is centred on the government, which is highly centralized and reacts slowly with higher running costs. Under the Jiaxing Model, social organisations and the public start to share management power with the government, shouldering the responsibility of management and cooperating with the government.
In other words, the model advocates a strong position of residents to play a role in the decision-making processes of the Jiaxing authorities to increase environmental protection. The International Association on Social Quality was invited to participate in its evaluation given its work carried in relation to the enhancement of the role of residents in the urban context contributing to the development to overall sustainability. With this in mind, this model is highly interesting since it concerns an aspect of a much broader context, and because it aims to be implemented in eight other Chinese cities of the Zhejiang Province.
Participants of the EU-China meeting on environmental participation at a research visit at the ISS in The Hague on 20 January 2015.
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