Working Papers
By Laurent J.G. van der Maesen & Harry G.J. Nijhuis,& Jaap Westbroek
December 2023
Working Paper 19: Elaboration of the request of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) to the Ukrainian Ambassador in The Hague: Application of the ‘social quality perspective’ on behalf of the post-war recovery of Ukraine in also a regional and global perspective
A co-production of NASU and the IASQ
July 2023
By Peter Herrmann
December 2020
By Laurent J.G. Van der Maesen (with spport from Zuzana Novakova, Steven Corbett, and Valeriy Heyets)
December 2019
Working Paper 16 (draft): Arguments for and the Elaboration of the ‘Manifesto on Climate Change’ : Development Toward Sustainability
By Laurent J.G. van der Maesen, Des Gasper, Tim Cadman, et al.
1th April 2016
Working Paper 15b: Analytical Elaboration of the last Annual Report of the European Foundation on Social Quality (EFSQ):
the EFSQ’s ‘Demonstration project’ of the urban quarter Laak of the Dutch city of The Hague. Paving the way for its communication centre as a new public context.
By Laurent J.G. van der Maesen and Helma Verkleij (with support from Harry G.J. Nijhuis and J. Westbroek)
18th July 2015
Working Paper 15a: Four IASQ Research-projects Proposals as Elaboration of the Protocol signed by La Sapienza University in Rome and Zhejiang University in Hangzhou in Preparation of the EU and the Asian-Pacific Observatories on Social Quality
By Laurent J.G. van der Maesen (with support from Ton Korver, Helma Verkleij, Marco Ricceri, and Ka Lin)
30th March 2015
Working Paper 14b: A European conference enhancing the idea of the ’European Social Model’ with support by the new ‘social quality approach: The start of the European Observatory on Social Quality (EOSQ) (In Italian and in English.)
Presented at the CONFERENZA EUROPEA 2014, Eurispes, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, in collaboration with
IASQ – International Association on Social Quality (Amsterdam-The Hague); EOSQ – European Observatory on Social Quality (Rome); SAPIENZA UNIVERSITA’ DI ROMA - Dipartimento di Sociologia; UIL PA; RETE EUROPEA ESM-Modello Sociale Europeo (Londra – Brema – Roma)
October 2014
Working Paper 14: The Position of Citizens with Regard to Environmental Protection: A Contribution to a Chinese and European Comparison based on Reflections on the Applied model by the Chinese City Jiaxing
By Laurent J.G. van der Maesen and Kai Wang (with support from Ka Lin)
20th January 2015
Working Paper 13: The Development of Social Quality Between 1994 and 2014.
By Laurent J.G. van der Maesen, Helma Verkleij, and Alan Walker
6th January 2014
Working Paper 12: Analyzing Societal Circumstances, Sustainability and Sustainable Urban Development: New Theoretical and Methodological Challenges for Social Quality Indicators
By Laurent J.G. van der Maesen (with support from Helma Verkleij, Harry Nijhuis, Jaap Westbroek, Des Gasper, and Peter Herrmann)
20th April 2013
Working Paper 11: Development toward Sustainability. The need for a Comprehensive Conceptual and Methodological Framework for new politics and policies: A social quality perspective
By Jos van Renswoude, Laurent J.G. van der Maesen, Des Gasper, Jaap Westbroek, Harry Nijhuis, Peter Herrmann, and Alan Walker
June 2012
Working Paper 10: Economic Performance, Social Progress and Social Quality: Challenges Arising from the Development of Economic Globalization
By Dr. Peter Herrmann
1 June 2012
Working Paper 9: Orientation, Strategies and Model (or Experience) of the City of Hangzhou (Zhejiang Province of Mainland China) from a Comparative Perspective
By Laurent J.G. van der Maesen (with support from Ka Lin)
20th November 2012
Working Paper 8: Welfare Arrangements, Sustainable Urban Development and New Forms of Governance, the current 'demonstration project' of the City of The Hague as example. Plans for the start of comparative urban studies between The Hague, Sheffield and Hangzhou as point of departure for the European GOSUD-project.
April 2012
Working Paper 7: Aggregated Neighbourhoods, Women and Public Space: A Case-study on Fostering Cohesion and Empowerment from the Hague
By Zuzana Novakova
September 2011
Working Paper 6: Justice, Migration and Sustainable Urban Development: The Case of Laak (North), Neighbourhood of the City of The Hague
By Laurent J.G. van der Maesen, Harry Nijhuis, Jaap Westbroek, Des Gasper, Thanh-dam Truong, and Rachel Kurian
30th September 2010
Working Paper 5: Local Welfare Arrangements favouring Sustainable Cohesiveness and the Urban Casus of Laak North of the City of The Hague
By Laurent J.G. van der Maesen, Peter Herrmann and Alan Walker (with support from Harry Nijhuis and Jaap Westbroek)
April 2010
Working Paper 4: An Overview of Strategies to Develop the Social Quality Approach in Europe and Asia during 2007 and 2008
By Laurent J.G. van der Maesen and Helma Verkleij (with support from Tetsuo Ogawa, Lilian Wang, and Ka Lin)
28th November 2009
Working Paper 3b: Explorative Comparison of Quality of Life, Social Capital, Human Security, Capability Theory, and Social Harmony with Some Principles of the Social Quality Approach
By Laurent J.G. van der Maesen and Alan Walker
November 1, 2009
Working Paper 3: Reflections on the First Set of Social Quality Indicators from the 'European Network Social Quality Indicators'
By Laurent J.G. van der Maesen, Margo Keizer, Helma Verkleij, and Robert Duiveman
31st March 2009
Working Paper 2: The Experimental Urban Space of Laak Noord of the City of The Hague as Part of the Dutch Delta Metropolis:An Adequate International Frame of Reference?
By Laurent J.G. van der Maesen, Harry Nijhuis, Jaap Westbroek, and Robert Duiveman
June 2009.
Working Paper 1: Social Quality and Precarity: Approaching New Patterns of Societal (Dis)Integration.
By Peter Herrmann and Laurent J.G. van der Maesen
August 2008.
Working paper nr. 0: Human Security and Social Quality: Contrasts and Complementarities
By Des Gasper, Laurent J.G. van der Maesen, Thanh-Dam Truong, and Alan Walker
December 2008
Working paper: Towards Cities of Social Quality
By Wolfgang Beck
August 2001